Why Write Quickly?

It sounds silly—but speed-writing fantasy is almost an extreme sport.

I believe writing should be done quickly. A practicing writer is a progressing writer. And if you write quickly, you simply become a better writer faster. Who doesn’t want that?

Thomas Umstattd Jr. at Author Media says that “Excellence = quality + speed.” Since I’m not qualified to write about writing with quality, I write about writing with speed ;D.

—I also happen to personally believe that my best writing is done when I’m blazing through sentences.

Whenever I speak in specifics, you’ll notice that I tend to refer to speculative fiction (and mostly fantasy at that), and that is because it’s what I write most and see myself publishing in the future.

My target audience with this Substack is young-and-old fantasy writers who want to write fantasy faster.

And here’s some information about my writing: I write G books that have some combat and some blood. I love innocent fiction, and I wish there was more of it. I want to read about dragons and swords. They are interesting to me, even as I enter adulthood, but it is hard to find exciting stories aimed at teens that don’t include wicked elements. Just some good sword fights, some adventure, a love story, and reflective thoughts that make me think more about God. That’s what I want, and that’s what I write.


on writing fantasy with speed


I write fantasy and I do it quickly.